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Clouded Yellow butterflies on the Lizard Peninsula and in Falmouth


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Migrant Clouded Yellow butterfly (Colias croceus) at Poltesco on the The Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall – photo © Steve Ogden

Numbers of migrant Clouded Yellow butterflies in south west Cornwall have been low this year. Certainly not a Clouded Yellow Year compared to 2014 when we were lucky to witness the spectacular sight of hundreds in a single field by the Helford River.

So good to see at least six at Poltesco on the Lizard Peninsula and several others over the last few days in Falmouth gardens.

Much the same could be said this year about another migrant butterfly The Painted Lady. Ones and twos seen regularly through the summer but far from a Painted Lady Year when many thousands arrive from the continent.

The post Clouded Yellow butterflies on the Lizard Peninsula and in Falmouth appeared first on Wildlife Insight.
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